Explore Yourself & Free Yourself – One day Enneagram Retreat – more dates coming soon For Sale

Date TBC @ La Tierra Curativa, Ourimbah, Central Coast, NSW
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” – Aristotle
“This was a fun and fulfilling exploration. The day was an amazing opportunity to have greater understanding of others, through learning of Enneagram personality types. I will use my new awareness of my Enneagram personality type as a gauge for growth opportunities.
I enjoyed Louise’s facilitation, which was very professional, fun and playful. With her wisdom and presence, she held a beautiful place for us to explore.”
Ben Jennings, Explore yourself & Free yourself 2023 attendee
- Are you intrigued to explore why you think and act in certain ways?
- How you show up in relation with others and the world around you?
- When fear and anxiety seek to overwhelm you, do you understand why?
- Do you ever ask yourself ‘who am I’? Well, who is this sense of self that you take yourself to be?
- Would you like some answers?
- Are you ready to EXPLORE yourself?
- And at the same time, to FREE yourself?
Life changing – is how I would describe the One Day Enneagram Retreat Explore yourself & Free yourself. I ve doubted myself for a long time and this is the start of a new me and a new understanding of myself.
I now have CLARITY on who, what, why I am who I am. I also feel COURAGEOUS and speaking up in the group gave me confidence.
Con Mitsou – Explore Yourself & Free Yourself 2019 attendee
The day was a beautiful combination of mind-body awareness and personal growth. An opportunity to reflect on myself, giving me a deeper understanding of my enneagram type and how I relate in the world. I realized that it’s ok for the world to see me as accomplished and achieving .
Angela Farrell – Explore Yourself & Free Yourself 2020 attendee
A One day Retreat Journey woven with nurturing flow yoga, healing yin yoga, developmental coaching, facilitated conversation, Enneagram experiential workshops, meditation, pranayama, nature immersion and relaxation.Begin your journey to Freedom on this one day reflective and awakening retreat to explore yourself and free yourself using the wisdom of the Enneagram.
The Enneagram is a map of human nature experienced through nine distinct personality types that describe how we think, feel, act and how we stand in relation with the world and others.
Your exploration and discovery will be an experience of reflection and inquiry through shared narrative and dialogue, meditation and yoga.
Thank you for a beautifully and skilfully facilitated day, full of calm reflection, challenging insights and wonderful epiphanies. All wrapped up in a beautiful hug of meditation, yin yoga, essential oils and kind, respectful non judgmental participants who shared so openly and honestly.
The day has been a gentle walk into me. I discovered hidden parts of myself without judgement. I learnt so much about other types of people and their personalities. I will now be able to say no instead of yes and will be able to face conflict.
Wendy Ballard, Explore Yourself & Free Yourself 2019 attendee
The Wisdom of the Enneagram
· What is The Enneagram & what it ISN’T
· Exploring the 9 Enneagram Types
· Gifts & Challenges of each Type
Morning Gentle Yoga
– ‘Explore Yourself’- Integrate learnings from the morning
Morning Tea Break
Understanding Your Enneagram Type and others
Experiential session to dive in and explore each of the 9 types:
· Sense of Self
· What each Type avoids
· What each Type focuses on
· Core motivations
· Hidden complaints
· Reflections & sharing
Enjoy lunch and land with new awareness
Enneagram Exploration – see the world through the eyes of other Types
· Relationship with Uncertainty for each Type
· Bringing flexibility to Conflict Styles of each Type
Yin Yoga
– ‘Free Yourself’ from the personality structures that aren’t you
Afternoon tea break
Integration of Wisdom, Summary and Guided Meditation
· Self compassion in the face of self-awareness
· Group sharings and insights
Retreat Close